Rose Goddess Activations

Awaken the Goddess within

with the power of the Rose

You inner feminine is waiting to be activated! She wants to be remembered and expressed into your life. Your radiant inner Goddess, a unique expression of the divine, full of life and intuition.

As women, we all carry this power inside.

Wild, ancient, sensual, luscious…

The divine feminine nourishes and heals us deeply

May we remember…

Rose medicine

Working with the Spirit of the Rose – her essence, her consciousness – has a profound effect on our self-love and feminine expression. The Rose nourishes us deeply. She infuses us with love and passion. The Rose is the flower with the highest frequency on this planet. It’s not a coincidence that her medicine has been used in the feminine mystery schools of the past, to re-awaken women to their divine feminine essence. Her frequency is shrouded in mystery, an ever-giving well of healing.

I have worked with the Rose for years now and her Spirit has infused me with some of the most profound healings I have experienced. Doing rituals with roses has created shifts in my relationship to my sexuality, comforted me when I was going through crises and healed my heart when it was broken. From the Rose, I learned to be sovereign in my own intuition and speak my truth. In this course, I share these rituals with you, as well as guided meditations using the Rose, so you can infuse yourself in this medicine too!

This course is for women who…

  • Are ready to tap into their feminine power
  • Feel starved of self-love and struggle with being self-critical
  • Feel like they are not tapping into their sexuality and sensuality fully
  • Are comparing themselves to other women or divine feminine leaders
  • Need to reclaim their own intuitive, sovereign expression and voice

Awaken the Goddess within

Included in this course

  • A video sharing deeply about the feminine awakening journey, my own transformational insights, how it builds in a specific way and what we can do to tap into our Goddess within.
  • 3 powerful Rose guided meditations, using the Red Rose, Pink Rose and Blue Rose as various stages of feminine initiation, bringing back ancient trusted traditions from feminine mystery schools.
  • Lightcodes with luscious Rose imagery to activate your feminine.
  • Rose Goddess altar & ritual inspiration: how to devote a space to your inner goddess and weave her into your life.
  • Direct access upon purchase to this self-paced online course!

Rose Goddess Activations

After purchase, you’ll receive access to the course in your emailed receipt.
